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  Peck: 啄,輕吻
[ 2005-04-15 09:12 ]


由IBM生產的歐洲最快的超級計算機(每秒鐘可以運算40萬億次)在巴塞羅納的一個研究中心落戶。這臺名為“MareNostrum”的計算機屬于巴塞羅納超級計算中心,是全球第四大超級計算機!癕areNostrum”一詞在拉丁語中的意思是“我們的海洋”,預示著巴塞羅納的位置在地中海。外電報道如下:Europe's fastest supercomputer, which can make 40 trillion calculations per second, booted up for the first time at a research center in Barcelona.

The "MareNostrum," built by IBM Corp., boasts 40 teraflops of speed. It can make more calculations in one second than a human pecking at a calculator could make in 10 million years.

Its memory is equal to the combined memories of nearly 20,000 personal computers, and its storage system has a capacity of 233 terabytes, the equivalent of the information in 29 million books.

Peck常和at連用,意為“啄;啄起;小口地吃”,在文中比喻“一下一下地按計算器”,此外還有比喻義“(敷衍地)輕吻,不斷批評”。來看幾個例句:That bird tried to peck the worm.(那只鳥想啄起那只蟲。)The hens pecked at the corn.(母雞在啄食谷子。)He pecked at his dinner.(他慢慢吃著飯。)
