APEC峰會“全家福”服裝秀 Costume shot
Costume shot
據外電報道,美國總統奧巴馬表示APEC峰會上的元首costume shot(“全家福”服裝秀)不再成為必需的一項內容,costume shot就是指a “family photo” in some garb representative of the host country.
US President Barack Obama, as the host this year, packed away for good the two-decade tradition of having the group pose for a “family photo” in some garb representative of the host country.
奧巴馬在Asia- Pacifi c Economic Cooperation (APEC) 19th informal leadership meeting (APEC第十九次領導人非正式會議)閉幕后召開的
記者會上回答提問時表示,他希望能打破傳統,雖然發給每位領導人Hawaiian shirts(夏威夷花襯衫),但沒有規定他們必須在“family photo”(合影)時穿上。
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