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China: UN resolution on Iran not end to diplomacy

2010-06-10 21:11

BEIJING - China reiterated Thursday the UN's adoption of a new resolution on the Iranian nuclear issue does not close the door on diplomatic efforts.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang made the remarks at a regular news briefing.

Resolution 1929 is the fourth set of UN sanctions against Iran since December 2006. It prohibits Iran from investing abroad in nuclear and enrichment operations and imposes new restrictions on Iran's import of conventional arms.

Qin reaffirmed the resolution reflects the concerns of the international community with regards to the Iranian nuclear issue, adding that the international community hopes to resolve the issue in a peaceful manner.

Qin said the action taken by the UN Security Council aims to continuously promote the progress of dialogue and negotiation, not simply impose sanctions on Iran.

Fundamentally resolving the Iranian nuclear issue requires dialogue and negotiation, he said, adding that sanctions cannot resolve the root issue.

Qin expressed hope that all concerned parties will recognize the point and make joint efforts to peacefully resolve the Iran nuclear issue through diplomatic means.

Qin stressed that China's consideration in addressing the issue is maintaining the validity of the international nuclear non-proliferation mechanism and safeguarding peace and stability in the Middle East, especially the Gulf region.

The resolution just adopted expresses the concerns of the international community regarding the Iranian nuclear issue and their expectations to resolve the issue through diplomatic negotiation at an early date, he said.

China's position and efforts on the Iranian nuclear issue are responsible, constructive and obvious for all to see, he said.

The new UN sanctions against Iran aim to bring Iran back to negotiations and to activate a new round of diplomatic efforts, Qin reiterated.

He again called on the international community to make more efforts to find a long-term, comprehensive, proper solution to the issue.

"China is willing to work with all parties concerned to contribute to a proper resolution of the issue," he added.

In recent years, China has maintained close and good communication with all relevant parties, including Iran, in the process of dealing with the Iranian nuclear issue, he said.

China will continue to make these efforts in the future, he added.

Qin stressed China attaches great importance to relations with Iran, adding that bilateral ties are not only in the interests of both nations, but also in the interests of regional peace, stability and development.

As for the agreement between Turkey, Iran and Brazil signed in Tehran on May 17, Qin said China has paid attention to the efforts made by Brazil and Turkey to achieve a peaceful resolution to the Iranian nuclear issue.

Under the agreement, Iran has committed to give 1,200 kg of 3.5-percent-enriched uranium to Turkey in exchange for 120 kg of 20-percent-enriched uranium from Western countries to be used as fuel in its nuclear research reactor in Tehran.

Qin said the new resolution and a joint statement by the foreign ministers of the six countries confirmed the efforts made by Brazil and Turkey.

"China attaches great importance to the agreement and views it as a part of the diplomatic efforts made by the international community," he stressed.

The UN Security Council Wednesday adopted the resolution with 12 votes in favor. Brazil and Turkey, two non-permanent members of the Security Council, voted against the draft resolution while Lebanon, another non-permanent member, abstained.

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