
2014巴西世界杯 > 精選雙語球評



2014-06-16 19:24:12




Walking alone with slumped shoulders, a bowed head and weary eyes, Xavi exited Arena Fonte Nova wearing the look of a man who knew exactly how profound Friday's 5-1 defeat by Netherlands could prove.

哈維(Xavi)低垂著雙肩,耷拉著腦袋,頹然走出新水源體育場(Arena Fonte),目光里盡顯疲態。6月13日衛冕冠軍西班牙隊1-5慘敗給了荷蘭隊,哈維的臉上寫滿了深深的創傷。

None of the assembled journalists even attempted to pose a question; there was no point. He was staring at the floor, seemingly oblivious to outside influences.


Others stopped to talk but not Xavi, nor Andres Iniesta. Two of the greatest midfielders the game has ever seen now down and despondent, humbled and humiliated, fatigued and forlorn.


For Spain's defeat by the Dutch was not normal. La Roja lost their opening match four years ago before recovering to become the first side to win a Fifa World Cup having done so.


But this was different.


Switzerland in 2010 scored a goal and closed ranks - it can happen.Netherlands in 2014 subjected one of the finest teams of all time to an absolute savaging - that does not happen.


Spain have suffered two heavier defeats in their competitive history, but the most recent came in 1950, and neither are likely to have been as unexpected or potentially damaging as the one the World Cup favourites were subjected to in Salvador.


They did not trail at any stage of an unbeaten qualifying campaign in which their defence was breached on just three occasions, had lost only eight of 85 matches under coach Vicente del Bosque, averaged 60 caps per man and have not conceded in 10 knockout matches spanning the last three major tournaments, all of which they lifted.

西班牙隊預選賽中保持著不敗金身,只有三場比賽失球;文森特·德爾·博斯克(Vincent del Bosque)執掌教鞭以來一共出賽85場,只有8場失利;球員大多身經百戰,人均為國出賽60場;球隊在最近三大賽事的淘汰賽中更是無一敗績。但現在所有的輝煌都已煙消云散。

Recall Del Bosque's news conference on Thursday when he bullishly rejected a suggestion that his is a "veteran squad", arguing: "We are mature, at our best". He appeared irritated at the subject being raised, perhaps aware deep down that there is actually an element of truth in it.


His post-match verdict told a rather different story. "I feel sick," said the 63-year-old - and ifSpainare indeed at their best then, on current evidence, they are also in trouble.




????Del Bosque described Netherlands' physical approach in the 2010 final as "brutal", but the only brutality on show in Salvador was a Dutch display that tore Spain to shreds.


Troubled against Italy in last year's Confederations Cup semi-final and dispatched by hosts Brazilin the final, there were indications that the Spanish might be losing their way.


Xavi claimed before the match that Spain would "win or die" by their famous tiki-taka style of play and although Friday indicated the latter was more plausible, it is surely unfair to pass judgement over an approach that has generated such success on the basis of one match.


From speaking to a number of Spanish journalists, the overwhelming feeling is that the philosophy is tried and trusted, has become a part of the national identity and is here to stay.


What is clear, however, is that Del Bosque's existing crop are possibly losing the ability and hunger to execute their methods to the level that has brought them many accolades and admirers over the past six years.



2014世界杯:范佩西(Robin van Persie)魚躍沖頂,攻進一球

Seven of the 14 players who featured against Netherlands endured a disappointing season with Barcelona, while there was just one representative from La Liga champions Atletico Madrid.


Moreover, none of Real Madrid's key attacking players are Spanish, and seven of the squad are aged 30 or over. Could this be the beginning of the end for the protagonists, if not the project?


So long the standard bearer for club and country but now the oldest at 34, Xavi was uncharacteristically lax in possession and a rare miscontrol led to the second Dutch goal.


Spain enjoyed 63.8% of the ball and made 618 passes to Netherlands' 339, yet managed only four shots on target to 10 for their opponents and lost 124 balls to 114.


All over the pitch there was cause for concern: keeper Iker Casillas made some important saves but otherwise had a torrid evening, right-back Cesar Azpilicueta was run ragged by Daley Blind, centre-backs Sergio Ramos and Gerard Pique could not contain Robin van Persie and Arjen Robben, and striker Diego Costa was unspectacular in the 62 minutes he was given.

縱觀全場,人們的擔心不無道理:門將伊克爾·卡西利亞斯(Iker Casillas)確實做出了一些重要撲救,但在荷蘭隊的狂轟濫炸面前也只能苦苦支撐;右后衛塞薩爾·阿斯皮利奎塔(Cesar Azpilicueta)在達利·布林德(Daley Blind)面前疲于奔命;中后衛塞爾希奧·拉莫斯(Sergio Ramos)與杰拉德·皮克(Gerard Pique)根本限制不了范佩西與羅本(Robben);前鋒迭戈·科斯塔(Diego Costa)則在62分鐘黯然下場。

When Van Persie scored his second goal to make it 4-1, the television cameras cut to the Spanish dugout as they watched a replay on the big screens. The players and staff were visibly shell-shocked, likewise their supporters dotted throughout a gobsmacked stadium.


The contrast could not have been more vivid as the Dutch catapulted off their bench in wild celebration, the orange-clad spectators giddy with unforeseen delight.


Expectations around Netherlands were low: they fell at the group stage of Euro 2012, are the eighth-youngest squad in Brazil, had concerns over their defence and were relying majorly on the 'Golden Triangle' of Van Persie, Wesley Snijder - both of whom have had fitness issues - and Robben.

對荷蘭隊的期望其實非常低:2012年歐洲杯小組賽即遭淘汰的橙衣軍團非常年輕,其平均年齡在本屆巴西世界杯上所有球隊中排名倒數第八。球隊的防守端存在諸多弊病,而攻擊線則非常依賴范佩西,斯內德(Wesley Snijder)與羅本組成的黃金三叉戟。其中,范佩西與斯內德都有傷在身。

Valentijn Driessen, chief football writer for Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, explained that the estimated 2,500 fans who have travelled to Brazilare markedly down on the 4000-5000 usually present when Netherlands compete in a major competition. Hopes were not high.

《荷蘭電訊報》(De Telegraaf)首席足球撰稿人瓦倫丁(Valentijn Driessen)說,前往巴西現場觀看西荷大戰的荷蘭球迷據估計只有2 000人,而荷蘭參加重大比賽時現場的球迷人數一般有4 000-5 000人。這就說明人們對荷蘭的期望并不高。

The loss of Roma midfielder Kevin Strootman to injury saw coach Louis van Gaal controversially scrap the traditional4-3-3formation in favour of a supposedly defensive-minded 5-3-2.

由于羅馬中場凱文·斯特魯曼(Kevin Strootman)因傷缺席,主帥路易斯·范加爾(Luis van Gaal)舍棄傳統的4-3-3陣型,祭出更偏向于防守的5-3-2陣型,此舉頗受爭議。

But during an open training session in Rio on Tuesday, full-backs Blind and Daryl Janmaat were essentially operating as wingers and the pair played a key role as Netherlands went on to produce an attacking masterclass that conjured memories of the 'Total Football' they pioneered in the 1970s.

但周二在里約熱內盧舉行的公開訓練課上,后衛布林德(Blind)與揚馬特(Daryl Janmaat )也是攻擊線不可或缺的邊路箭頭人物。這場進攻訓練課神奇的再現了二十世紀七十年代荷蘭率先采用的“全攻全守”戰術。



"Credit to the Dutch," said former Arsenal andFrancestriker Thierry Henry, a BBC pundit for the World Cup. "They took it fromSpain. You have to own it, they went out there and they had no fear. I was questioning if they would be fazed but they weren't. I'm speechless.

BBC世界杯評論員,曾為阿森納與法國隊效力,司職前鋒的蒂埃里·亨利(Thierry Henry)說道:“感謝荷蘭。他們完成了對西班牙的復仇。你必須承認,他們走出了先前的陰影,無所畏懼。此前我還有疑問,荷蘭在西班牙面前是否會心生怯意。但事實證明我錯了,我無言以對?!?/p>

"Tonight the Dutch got their style back."


FormerEnglandcaptain Alan Shearer added: "Some of the performances - Robben, Van Persie and Blind - were absolutely brilliant. I have never seen thatSpaindefence pulled around as much as they were tonight."

前英格蘭隊隊長阿蘭·希勒(Alan Shearer)則說道:“羅本,范佩西與布林德的表現尤為驚艷。我從來沒有看見,西班牙的后防線像今晚一樣被撕扯的七零八落?!?/p>

If it continues, Manchester United followers will be beside themselves with excitement at the thought of Van Gaal taking over as manager later this summer.


The 62-year-old was never fazed bySpain's greater experience - they named 16 survivors from 2010 compared to six forNetherlandsand had 1,375 caps to 645 - and he is sure to take great satisfaction at helping develop a new generation of Dutch talent.


This was only a group game, nothing has been won or lost and both coaches will preach calm, but it was impossible to escape the notion - and you could sense it inside a buzzing arena - that we may have been witnessing a changing of the guard in world football.



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