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Erik Nilsson

A banquet survival guide

I woke up in some hotel room I'd never seen before in Danjiankou, Hubei province, with no idea how I got there.
Stuart Beaton

Recycling begins at home

My wife and I are trying to reduce our contribution to landfill, in whatever small we can. As Wen Hengfeng, a full-time garbage campaigner at Global Village Beijing says, "Even the smallest actions can help save the planet".
Raymond Zhou

Passengers kept waiting in the wings

An airport departure lounge in the thunderstorm-prone summer afternoons is like a visit to a dental office in the US.
Gus Tate

Getting over a well-worn stereotype

I used to be pretty good at chess.
Stuart Beaton

Nothing new about men in female roles

While watching TV the other day, I was shocked to find that the person singing was a man in a dress.
Lisa Carducci

Shop till you drop ... or look at labels

I never pay attention to fashion and brands. I wear what I feel is comfortable and convenient. Decades ago, my 10-year-old Italian nephew asked me for jeans from Canada when I visited.
Thomas Talhelm

Beware nation's ego pollution

China has little crime, but it's a dangerous place. Murder, muggings, assault - these concerns do not keep me up at night. It's my ego I'm concerned about.
Erik Nilsson

Foreigners now start to drop names

My friends Dirty Law, Dust Language and Silky Smooth aren't who you're thinking they are - that is, they're not young Chinese who have picked amusing English appellations.
Stuart Beaton

Chewing the fat on word definitions

Gus Tate had a crack last week (June 3) at defining how his Cantonese students define "strong", and that might work down South.
Gus Tate

A working definition of 'strong'

There are a lot of things that often happen to me in China which would almost certainly never happen in the United States.

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