
Probe: WUC member forges video of Urumqi riots
2009-Jul-29 14:24:07

BEIJING: A netizen, who was believed to be a key member of the World Uygur Congress (WUC), was blamed by Chinese authorities for fanning ethnic confrontation that caused the deadly July 5 riot in Urumqi by spreading online a fake video about "a Uygur girl beaten to death".

The video, about a girl in red being beaten to death by a group of people using stones, was originally broadcast by the CNN in May 2007, as something happened in the Mosul city of Iraq on April 7, 2007.

However, on July 3, 2009, the netizen, named "Mukadaisi", spread it on an Internet group of Uygurs on qq.com and said it was a Uygur girl beaten to death by the Han people.

Authorities said their investigations found that the man was a key member of the WUC in Germany and his fake video fanned ethnic confrontation and "added fuel to the fire".

In the Internet group, the man used extreme words to encourage Uygur people to "fight back with violence" and "repay blood with blood".

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