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DPRK's position does seem to be evolving a little, says Hill
Updated: 2005-09-13 16:23

The position of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on the nuclear issue is seen "to be evolving a little," US chief negotiator Christopher Hill said in Beijing Tuesday.

"I must tell you their (DPRK) position does seem to be evolving a little, and we will have a much better idea about it tonight or tomorrow," he told reporters.

Hill, also assistant secretary of state for east Asia-Pacific affairs, arrived here Tuesday morning to attend the second phase of the fourth-round six-party talks.

"I know we have had two discussions within the New York channel, and I can't say really there has been progress," he said, adding, "We will have a better idea about what the DPRK position is."

Asked how long the US delegation will stay for the negotiation, a spokesman of the US Embassy said, "we booked it (the rooms) open ended."

"If we know how long Hill will stay, we will make big money," she added.

The Russian, DPRK and Republic of Korea delegations have arrived in Beijing and the Japanese delegation is expected to come soon for the second phase of the fourth-round talks, which will be held Tuesday afternoon with focus placed on resolving the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue.

The fourth round of six-party talks began five weeks ago. The United States demanded the DPRK dismantle all of its nuclear programs including those for peaceful purposes.

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