Little violence as Iraqis vote on charter (AP) Updated: 2005-10-16 08:51 The bar for Sunni opponents to defeat the constitution is high: They must get
a two-thirds "no" vote in any three of Iraq's 18 provinces. They were likely to
reach that threshold in the vast Sunni heartland of Anbar province in the west.
They must snatch the two others among the provinces of Salahuddin, Ninevah or
Diyala, north of Baghdad.
By late Saturday, Salahuddin appeared to be nearing a two-thirds "no" vote
after an overwhelming showing at the polls in Tikrit, Saddam's hometown, where
some election officials said 90 percent of the voters cast ballots. There were
no figures on Ninevah or Diyala, but those are considered harder for Sunnis to
Each of those provinces has a Sunni Arab majority, but they also have
significant Shiite or Kurdish minorities. Competition was fierce in all three,
with some of the highest turnout rates in the country — well above 66 percent.
 Iraqi referendum officials count votes in
Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday Oct. 15 2005.[AP] | In the south, Shiite women in head-to-toe veils and men emerged from the poll
stations flashing victory signs with fingers stained with violet ink, apparently
responding in mass to the call by their top cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali
al-Sistani, to support the charter.
"Today, I came to vote because I am tired of terrorists, and I want the
country to be safe again," said Zeinab Sahib, a 30-year-old mother of three, one
of the first voters at a school in the mainly Shiite neighborhood of Karrada in
Voters flowed constantly into a kindergarten used as a polling site in a
Sunni Arab district of Mosul, Ninevah's capital.
"The government can't just sew together an outfit and dress the people up by
force. We do not see ourselves or see our future in this draft," Gazwan Abdul
Sattar, 27-year-old Sunni teacher, said after voting "no."
But in a nearby district, Kurds lined up as well, some decked out in
tradition garb of baggy pants and belted vests, or wrapped in the red-and-green
Kurdish flag, emblazoned with a yellow sun.
"This document serves the ambitions of the Kurdish nation and we hope then
that we will be able to determine our destiny in the future," said Barzan
Berwari, a 45-year-old businessman.
In Tikrit, Saddam's hometown, voting was intense.
"This constitution was written by people who are loyal to Iran rather than
being loyal to Iraq," said Hassan Maajoun, 60, reflecting some Sunnis' deep
suspicion of Sunni ties to neighboring Iran.
But voting was just as heated in the smaller Shiite towns in the southern
part of the province as they raced to stop the Sunnis short.
After placing the ballots in the plastic boxes at the polling centers, Iraqis
had the forefinger of their right hands marked with violet ink to prevent repeat
About 250 of the country's 6,100 polling stations, mostly in the north and
west, did not open because of technical or security problems, elections
officials said.
The polls opened just hours after government workers restored power lines
that insurgents sabotaged in the north Friday night, plunging the Iraqi capital
and surrounding areas into darkness. When voting ended 10 hours later,
celebratory gunfire rang out in Baghdad streets, and some families handed out
sweets to passers-by.
While turnout was high in the mixed areas, Shiites in the south and Kurds in
their autonomous enclave in the north showed less enthusiasm, with fewer than 66
percent of voters showing up in most of the provinces in those areas — likely
reflecting the feeling that a "yes" vote was a sure bet there. Less than a third
of voters in the region around the city of Ameriyah bothered to show up.
Turnout in January's vote was 58 percent, but Sunnis largely boycotted that
election while Shiites turned out in droves, celebrating their chance to
dominate the new government.
Bush administration officials said they were pleased that Iraqis appeared
peaceful and enthusiastic about exercising their right to vote.
"Today's vote deals a severe blow to the ambitions of the terrorists and
sends a clear message to the world that the people of Iraq will decide the
future of their country through peaceful elections, not violent insurgency,"
White House spokesman Allen Abney said.
Whether the charter passes or fails, Sunnis appeared to throw themselves
wholeheartedly into a political process that until now they have been deeply
suspicious of. That could indicate they will try more in the future to work
within a system U.S. and Iraqi leaders hope can moderate the country's vicious
sectarian divisions.
But if the constitution passes despite a significant Sunni "no" vote,
hard-liners in the community could decide the insurgency is their only hope to
retain influence in the country.
In the Sunni Anbar province, streets and polling stations in towns strung
along the Euphrates River valley were largely empty as residents remained
hunkered in their homes, fearing insurgent violence or so embittered they
refused to vote.
The minimal turnout in Anbar — as in the January election — suggested the key
battleground between U.S.-Iraqi forces and insurgents, would remain alienated
from the political process.
But voting was not along sectarian lines everywhere.
In Sadr City, a mostly Shiite area of Baghdad controlled by radical cleric
Muqtada al-Sadr, who led uprisings against the U.S.-led coalition last year,
people were widely expected to vote "yes."
Not Haitham Aouda Abdul-Nabi, a 23-year-old co-owner of a convenience store.
When he showed up at a Sadr City secondary school to vote, he said: "More than
90 percent of Iraq's Shiites support the constitution, but not me."
Why? Because he is tired of the chaos that has followed Saddam's ouster:
killings by insurgents, fighting between rebels and U.S. troops, squabbling in
Iraq's mostly Shiite and Kurdish government, and nearly daily power outages in
the capital.
"Only force can bring results with a people like us in Iraq," he said.
"Unfortunately, we need someone like Saddam. This government is too