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Thai PM urges more investment for high-tech innovation in APEC economies
( 2003-10-17 17:17) (Xinhua)

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Thursday urged international investors to be more actively involved in technology innovation in developing economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.

"It's high time for international investors to work with local entrepreneurs not only to produce existing commodities at reduced prices, but also to foster innovation by unleashing the creative forces in the developing economies of APEC to produce new products for new demands," said Thaksin in his opening address to the APEC Investment Mart 2003 in Bangkok.

While noting that developing economies in this region were able to produce "world-class" goods in a wide range of sectors including agriculture, electronics and garments, Thaksin stressed the importance of improving investment in sectors that produce " high-value" goods.

The Thai premier said much of the manufacturing foreign direct investment (FDI) had flowed into developing economies, but in many cases, very little or none was involved in innovation and hence little value was added.

With the cost rising in host economies, the developing economies would no longer be the market favorites and they had begun to lose the advantage to attract investment.

"What is needed is the FDI that fosters collaboration between foreign investors, who bring along world class technology and know- how, and local entrepreneurs who can use that creative talent, local wisdom and knowledge of the needs of consumers in their region," said Thaksin.

By doing so, host economies can get access to advanced technology and adding value to their products while the investors would tap additional market potential, for the new products can adapt to both local and global market, he added.

"It's therefore obvious that by working together rather than competing, we're in the process of strengthening the entire region, " he said. "It is a win-win scenario for all concerned."

The prime minister also stressed the importance of cooperation among the 21 APEC economies.

"By enhancing cooperation among the 21 member economies, we are embracing the spirit of regionalism that proclaims that the whole of APEC is stronger than the sum of individual economies," Thaksin said.

The mart, the fourth of its kind in APEC history, will continue through Oct. 21 under the theme of "Asia-Pacific--invest with confidence, benefit from diversity."

It provides a good opportunity for APEC members to showcase their competitive industries to the world and to learn from other members.

"I have no doubt that the APEC Investment Mart 2003 will lead to increased opportunities for collaboration among or between the public and private sectors of the 21 APEC members," said the Thai prime minister.

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