

Turning full circle

(Beijing weekend)
Updated: 2007-05-17 11:07

Those making the rounds along Beijing's Gongti Xilu strip will find that Cargo delivers the mother lode of mega-club madness.

The most remarkable feature of the club is its design concept, which comes full circle, as nearly every furnishing within the club - including the club itself - comes in the shape of a loop, disk or sphere. Surely, Cargo has more curves than Pamela Anderson could ever hope for - and ever will. 

The result of all of these bends and bows is a futuristic feel that puts Cargo light years ahead of neighboring clubs in terms of environs. And a panoramic look around will leave visitors convinced the designers must have borrowed spare parts from the Starship Enterprise to complete the club's construction.

Upon entering the establishment, clubbers pass through a circular breezeway, which features a large pearl-colored, vaguely conical art nouveau sculpture hanging from the ceiling. And in the center of the cylindrical bar, which is in the center of the cylindrical main room, hangs another sculpture identical to that found in the breezeway.

While the establishment's un-refrigerated beers are, according to mega-club convention, 30 yuan irrespective of brand, Cargo has the distinct honor of having the widest ranging cocktail prices. Here, a Hawaii costs a paltry 5 yuan, while a Rainbow tops off at 110 yuan.

Cargo's mostly Chinese crowd is among some of the most formally dressed in Beijing, as business suits and luxury dresses abound. However, the club's patrons don't get down as much as they dress up, and the club has the least energetic, yet hardly empty, dance floor on the Gongti strip.

Those looking for a break from the Beijing mega-club formula will find the minds behind Cargo have done well at squaring the circle.

Opening hours: Daily 8pm-late.
Address:6 Gongti Xilu, Chaoyang District.
Tel: 010-6551-6898.


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