

Sweet kiss

By Oliver Robinson (That's Beijing)
Updated: 2006-11-23 14:07

Kiss Club is a laidback lounge bar, geared towards Beijing yuppies looking to kick back and relax after a hard day's pencil pushing or shopping.

Tall windows open out onto the business district, and wine-red velvet seating adds warmth to the otherwise minimalist interior. A selection of beers (starting at RMB 25), spirits and cocktails (from RMB 35) are served from a large bar, though the solitary barman might find himself overwhelmed if things get going on the weekend. The spiral staircase by which guests reach Kiss Club from the restaurant and sandwich store below also provides access to the fourth-floor roof terrace Kiss the Stars (not yet open).

It's also open 24/7, though it remains to be seen how many will make the effort to trek to Soho after time is called. However, if Kiss's commendable foresight is followed, you might be surprised to find yourself lounging with drinks into the early CBD morning. ]

Kiss Club
Location: 112, 3/F, Villa 6, Jianwai Soho, Dongsanhuan Lu, Chaoyang District
Open time: 24 hours
Tel: 010-58694820/23/25


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