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Background and numbers about the annual two sessions

(China Daily)

Updated: 2015-03-03 10:32:02


What are the sessions?

The "Two Sessions" is shorthand for the annual sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

What do they do?

The NPC, the top legislature, is the highest institution through which the people exercise their power. All administrative, judicial, procuratorial and military organs and other State-level institutions are accountable to the NPC and supervised by it.

The CPPCC, the top political advisory body, serves as a key instrument for multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. It allows leading figures of society, across a wide spectrum, to provide input.

How are deputies or members elected?

According to the Electoral Law, deputies to county and township-level people's congresses are directly elected by voters, while deputies to people's congresses above the county level are elected by deputies at the next level. The NPC is elected for a term of five years.

The CPPCC members are selected through consultation and recommendation. The Standing Committee decides, through consultation, on the number of members and the candidates of each CPPCC National Committee after they are examined and approved by the Chairs Council of the preceding CPPCC National Committee.The CPPCC members represent all areas and various sectors of society.

What are the differences between NPC motions and CPPCC proposals?

A motion, after examination by NPC deputies at full meetings of delegates or panel meetings, will be transferred by the presidium to a relevant special committee for further examination. The presidium will examine the report from the special committee and decide to submit the motion to a plenary session of the NPC for a vote. Adoption requires a simple majority. As the NPC is the top legislature, an NPC motion becomes legally binding when it is adopted.

Members of the CPPCC put forward proposals to offer comments and suggestions on major political and social issues to people's congresses and the government via the CPPCC. For the presentation of a proposal, there is no restriction on timing, scope or number of sponsoring members. A proposal to the CPPCC National Committee, the top advisory body, is not legally binding whether it is adopted or not.