
President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliament

By Wu Jiao ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-10-02

Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at People's Representative Council of Indonesia starts at 11:20 am (Beijing time). Xi becomes the first foreign leader to address the Indonesia's parliament. Follow China Daily’s live report on Xi's speech.

Highlights- on bilateral relations:
President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliament It is a journey for carrying forward traditional friendship and also for planning future cooperation.

President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliamentOur wide-ranging cooperation, from space to ocean, has delivered tangible benefits to the two peoples.

President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliamentThere are countless touching stories like these about friendly ties between our peoples. They are all examples of what is captured by one common proverb in both the Chinese and Indonesian languages, namely "going through thick and thin together".



Ladies and Gentlemen:

Dear Friends,

China and Indonesia have a combined population of 1.6 billion. As long as our two peoples work hand in hand with one heart and one mind, we will pool the huge strength of one fourth of mankind and be able to create new miracles in the history of human development. Let our two peoples join hands, write a new chapter in growing our bilateral relations, work for a bright future for the China-ASEAN community of shared destiny, and make greater contribution to the lofty cause of world peace and development.

Terima Kasih!(Thank you!)


Amity between people holds the key to good relations between nations. It is through the efforts of these envoys of friendship who have built bridges of friendship and opened windows to sincere understanding that the friendship between our two peoples has been everlasting and has grown stronger and more robust as time goes by.

Young people are full of dynamism and dreams. When the young prosper and are strong, the country will prosper and be strong. Young people represent the future and hope for exchanges between the two countries. President Yudhoyono and I have agreed that the two countries will expand and deepen cultural and people-to-people exchanges. In the next five years, each side will send 100 young people to visit the other every year, and China will provide 1,000 scholarships to Indonesia.

Highlights - on China-ASEAN ties:
President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliament First, build trust and develop good-neighborliness

President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliamentSecond, work for win-win cooperation

President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliamentThird, stand together and assist each other

President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliamentFourth, enhance mutual understanding and friendship

President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliamentFifth, stick to openness and inclusiveness.

I am convinced that with more and more young people involved in the building of friendship between the two countries, China-Indonesia friendship will flourish and pass on from generation to generation.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Dear Friends,

The Chinese people are working hard to realize the Chinese dream for the great renewal of the Chinese nation. And here, the Indonesian people are vigorously implementing their overall economic development plan for the rise of Indonesian nation. To realize our respective dreams, it is all the more necessary for both sides to understand, support and cooperate with each other, and for more people of vision in both countries to get involved and make effective efforts to this end.

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President Xi gives speech to Indonesia's parliament
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In this connection, I recall the song Hening(Silence) composed by President Yudhoyono. In October 2006, he came to Guangxi, China for the commemorative summit marking the 15th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations. On the Lijiang River, President Yudhoyono was overwhelmed by inspiration and wrote down these beautiful lyrics. “The beautiful days I spend with my friends have kept recurring in my life.” The mountains and rivers in China deeply touched President Yudhoyono and reminded him of his childhood and hometown. This shows just how strong the bond and affinity are between our two peoples.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Dear Friends,

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China over 60 years ago, in particular the launch of reform and opening-up over 30 years ago, China has blazed a successful path of development and made tremendous progress. China has laid out a strategic plan and set clear goals for its future development, namely, to double its 2010 GDP and per capita income of its urban and rural residents and finish the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020; and turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious and realize the great renewal of the Chinese nation by the middle of this century. This is a dream that has long been cherished by the Chinese nation and people. It is also a prerequisite for China to make even greater contribution to mankind.

As an ancient Chinese maxim goes, “only with high ambition and hard work can one make great achievements.” We have the confidence, conditions and capabilities to attain our goals. Having said that, we are soberly aware that China remains the largest developing country in the world. We still face many difficulties and challenges on the way ahead. For all the Chinese people to enjoy a happy life, we have to make unrelenting efforts for a long time to come. We will firmly stay on the course of reform and opening-up, adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, focus on managing our own affairs well, press ahead with modernization and improve people’s wellbeing.

China cannot achieve development in isolation from the world, and the world also needs China for development. China is fully committed to the path of peaceful development, the independent foreign policy of peace and the opening-up strategy for win-win results. A stronger China will add to the force for world peace and the positive energy for friendship, and will present development opportunities to Asia and the world, rather than posing a threat. China will continue to share opportunities for economic and social development with AESAN, Asia and the world.

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