
CHINA> Regional
'Indonesia Week 2009' opens in Beijing
Updated: 2009-06-17 23:45

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia will be organizing "Indonesia Week 2009" - a comprehensive promotion on culture, tourism, trade and investment, on June 17-21, 2009, at Wangfujing, Beijing, P.R. China.

"Indonesia Week 2009" is one of the Embassy's initiatives in responding to the challenges and opportunities conceived by the momentum of the rise of China as well as in light of the increasingly enhanced bilateral relations within the framework of Indonesia-China strategic partnership. This anticipated event is principally aimed at boosting the cooperation in trade and investment, promoting more social connection and cross-cultural understanding, and introducing Indonesia, in the most comprehensive and actual means, more and beyond.

"Indonesia Week 2009" will consist of a series of programs: TTI (Tourism, Trade and Investment) Fair, cultural shows, photo exhibition, business forum and food festival.

The ultimate introduction of Indonesia's tourism and trade products and services as well as investments opportunities will be presented through the tourism, trade and investment (TTI) fair at the Indonesian Village, which will be set up along Wangfujing pedestrian street, taking the theme 'Discover Indonesia', with 24 booths to accommodate 16 participants from government agencies and private sectors.

Indonesia week 2009 will also showcase the dynamic evolution of Indonesia's traditional and modern culture through art performance which will be organized in tandem with the exhibition. At the main stage, which will be built at the central area of Indonesia Village, everyday visitors can enjoy various spectacular cultural shows, like dances, songs, film screening and games. Several art troupes from Indonesia will participate in the event, among others, Indonesia-China Friendship Association Jakarta (40 artists), Indonesia Arts Institute (STSI) Bandung and art group coming with Wallacea Foundation. Some Indonesian and Chinese students as well as Huaqiao (local Chinese) will also be participating in the event.

Business Forum is dedicated to facilitate and mediate the participating business community of Indonesia - local governments and entrepreneurs - to meet with their Chinese counterparts as to seek business and investment opportunities. Participants will be provided the chance to brief potential investors on their projects/business/investment schemes and will be benefiting from the meeting by having the opportunity to start up networking with prospective counterparts. It will be held on 17 June 2009 and will be inaugurated by Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board. Participants of this forum are Provincial Investment Coordinating Board, representatives from Chinese Committee of Indonesia Chambers of Commerce and some entrepreneurs. More than 50 Chinese entrepreneurs and investor are expected to attend the business matchmaking meeting during the forum.

Indonesian Food Festival will be held for 4 days on 18-21 June 2009, co-organized by the Embassy of Indonesia in Beijing and one of hotels in Beijing. During the festival, the hotel will present a rich selection of excellent buffet of Indonesia food and snacks. The dining room will be decorated with typical Indonesian nuance, with the theme of "Journey through the Archipelago".

The "Discover Indonesia" photo exhibition will be an outdoor photographic display at Indonesian village, Wangfujing, featuring the beauty landscapes of Indonesia, arrays of rich folklores, natural wonders, portraits of daily life, and many more. The photos are collections of Timur Angin (Indonesian photographers), China Folklore Photographic Association (CFPA) and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Indonesia. Some photos will also be displayed at the food festival venue. This program will be held for 5 days from 17 to 21 June 2009.

Grand opening ceremony will be held on 17 June 2009 at 17:00 in Wangfujing. The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia will inaugurate the event. The ceremony will also be attended by some government officials from Indonesia, China and Ambassadors and/or representatives of overseas diplomatic missions in Beijing. The opening of Indonesian Food Festival will be held in 18 June 2009. The guests can also enjoy photo exhibition and cultural performance. Meanwhile, the closing ceremony of Indonesia Week 2009 will be held 21 June 2009 at 16.30 at Wangfujing.

The main venue of Indonesia Week 2009 is Wangfujing, a 810-meter modern and China's most famous pedestrian street. It is home to a number of large department stores, souvenir stores, whole side streets full of food stalls, Chinese painting stores and other goodies. The street is a destination of domestic as well as overseas tourists. It has become the busiest business district in Beijing with approximately 600,000 visitors everyday and double the number during weekends.

List of participants for TTI Fair: Directorate General of Oil and Gas and Central Bureau of Data and Information (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources), Indonesia Upstream Oil and Gas Industry, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Trade, Provincial Government of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Provincial Government of South Sumatera, Garuda Indonesia, Sinar Mas, Wallacea Foundation, Made in Indonesia, Kedaung, Santos Kapal Api, Ltd., Swallow Globe, Indonesia Street, and Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beijing.