Words and Phrases
Speeches 講話篇
一個變革的時代總有清晰可見的腳步,每個變革的時代都會產生帶著時代的烙印的關鍵詞,在喜迎十七大之際,讓我們一起來回顧一下這些標記社會的發展和變遷的熱詞。 以下詞匯選自中共中央總書記胡錦濤同志在中央黨校省部級干部進修班就事關中共和國家全局的若干重大問題所發表的重要講話,供讀者學習。 鄧小平理論 Deng Xiaoping Theory? “三個代表” Thought of Three Represents 貫徹科學發展觀 to implement the Scientific Outlook on Development 和諧社會 harmonious Society 解放思想 emancipate the mind 改革開放policy of reform and opening-up 全面建設小康社會 to build a well-off society in an all-round way 中國特色社會主義 socialism with Chinese-characteristics 經濟又好又快地發展 good and steady economic growth 前所未有機遇和挑戰 unprecedented opportunities and challenges 時代新要求和人民群眾的新期待 requirements of the time and wishes of the people 制定科學的行動綱領和大政方針 to make strategic outlines and policies 成就舉世矚目 to achieve great success 頭腦清醒,實事求是 realistic and sober-minded 清醒認識當今世界和當代中國發展的大勢 to have a clear view of today's China and the world 工業化、城鎮化、市場化、國際化 industrialization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization. 資源節約型、環境友好型社會 energy-efficient, environment-friendly society 推進決策科學化、民主化 to promote a scientific and democratic decision-making process. 反對官僚主義 to oppose bureaucratism 避免教條主義 to avoid dogmatism 反對形式主義 to oppose formalism 反對奢侈浪費 to oppose extravagance 反腐敗斗爭的長期性、艱巨性 to fight a long-time, tough war against corruption 思想上清醒、政治上堅定、作風上務實 sober-minded, firm in politics, pragmatic in style of work |