

Back to school for stressed-out grown-ups

(China Daily)
Updated: 2007-05-25 07:06

For many, old school days have always been the happiest, and 50 people were given the opportunity to recapture some of that nostalgia.

Born in the 1970s and 80s in Changsha, Central China's Hunan Province, they attended school for just one day on Monday to recapture some of those fond memories.

The group, comprising business leaders and office workers, attended classes at the Guihuashu Elementary School as first graders.

"They were able to forget their ages and behave as 7-year-olds, playing games and studying elementary mathematics," said an organizer of the event, surnamed Dadao.

He said it provided a relief from life's daily pressures, coupled with a bit of nostalgia.

"Compared with carefree primary school students, grown-ups have to shoulder many responsibilities," Dadao said.

To do something about it, he felt going back to school for a day would help.

Dadao promoted his idea on the Internet, drawing good response. One woman who attended, calling herself Yellow, said it had brought her closer to her daughter, who is also enrolled in the school.

Every time she gave the wrong answer to a question, a paper moustache was pasted on her face, while her daughter got a red star for every correct answer. Experts said that while these pressure-relieving methods were far better than turning to alcohol or violence, "behaving like a child" was not exactly good either.

"Returning to primary school reflects a person's intention of avoiding the tough realities of life. It harms normal growth because of its reliance on virtual dreams," Zhu Yongqiang, a psychologist in Changsha, said.

According to Lu Shizhen, professor with the China Youth University for Political Sciences, people should try to be more adaptable to society and more resolute against pressure.

China Daily

(China Daily 05/25/2007 page5)

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