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Zhanjiang Declaration (Full text)
2015-07-17 18:58

Working to build an online Silk Road and facilitate Internet Plus cross-border communication

------ "Zhanjiang Declaration" by the 15th Forum on Internet Media of China

As the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Jiuling once said, "As the moon rises above the sea, although we are far apart, we share the same time". In 2015, as the Internet in China enters its third decade, we come together in Zhanjiang to discuss how the Internet media, under the new era of "Internet Plus", can play to its strengths and contribute to realize the goals of the Belt and Road Initiative, which are to advance interconnection, promote common development and mutual prosperity. After consideration and discussion, we formally declare the following consensus:

We will be good communicators of the Belt and Road Initiative by spreading positive energy and enhancing mutual trust.

We will try to communicate with different audiences in local cultural contexts and carry out multi-dimensional, localized and audience-targeted media coverage. We will innovate in reporting practices and information distribution platforms to tell the stories of China, stories of the various regions and stories of the world along the Belt and Road objectively and accurately according to different circumstances. We will spread the Silk Road’s principles of mutual benefits and win-win results, create positive interactions through exchanges, mutual learning and harmonious coexistence to establish an online channel to bridge cultural and historical differences between different countries.

We will work to become promoters of regional and international exchanges and cooperation and strengthen cross–border cooperation between media organizations.

We will proactively establish and perfect the cooperation platforms between Chinese media and media from neighboring countries through the Internet and new media; create practical mechanisms for information exchanges and resources sharing between countries and regions; improve the cooperation in use of information, cross-border interviews, research into media operations, personnel exchange, new technology and new applications to better mutual trust and cooperation and open up a new stage in interconnection.

We will guide the public to interact and participate in the initiative and to rally behind it.

By cooperating with foreign media and taking advantage of mobile technology and social media in increasing interactivity, we will actively set the agenda and be able to hold both online and offline activities. We hope to encourage the over one billion Internet users from the countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative to participate in this initiative by giving their opinions, which will consolidate public support for the drive and inject new impetus for the development of the region.

Over 2000 years ago, ships set out from Xuwen county of Zhanjiang and embarked on the grand journey of the Maritime Silk Road during the Han Dynasty, promoting the communication between the Chinese civilization and the rest of the world. Today, the combination of the Belt and Road Initiative and the "Internet Plus" plan has built a new broad stage in history for Internet media. Let’s start afresh on the long journey with our glorious mission. Let’s join hands in telling Silk Road stories with firm confidence and passion. Let’s spread the Silk Road culture to more corners of the world with superb skills and advanced technology. Let’s build the online Silk Road as a bridge of exchanges and friendship between China and countries along the Silk Road and create a favorable public opinion environment for the construction, development and prosperity of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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