
Business / Avoids 'currency manipulator' tag

US declines to name China currency manipulator

[2012-11-28 09:32]

US Treasury Department on Tuesday said in its latest semi-annual currency report that China did not manipulate its currency.

US: China not currency manipulator

[2012-11-28 09:32]

US Treasury Department on Tuesday said in its latest semi-annual currency report that China did not manipulate its currency.

Naming China currency manipulator 'disruptive'

[2012-10-25 14:17]

Declaring China a currency manipulator would be highly disruptive, a senior advisor to US President Barack Obama's re-election campaign said.

US concludes China isn't a currency manipulator

[2012-05-27 00:15]

But US will "press for policy changes that yield greater exchange rate flexibility" in the yuan.

US refuses to call China a currency manipulator

[2011-12-29 07:55]

Washington's decision not to name China as a currency manipulator is expected to reduce Sino-US trade frictions triggered by the exchange-rate issue.

It's time to move beyond dispute over RMB exchange rate

[2011-12-28 15:40]

In its latest report, the US Treasury Department on Tuesday declined to name China as a currency manipulator, sending out a clear and positive signal that would soothe the market and benefit bilateral and world trade.

US doesn't name China as currency manipulator

[2011-12-28 06:48]

The US Treasury Department on Tuesday declined to name China as a currency manipulator, saying that it would closely monitor the pace of RMB appreciation.

Yuan bill passage strongly criticized

[2011-10-13 07:12]

The bill is essentially trade protectionism, a serious violation of World Trade Organization rules,said FM.

US currency bill does 'more harm than good'

[2011-10-13 06:20]

The US-China Business Council, a leading bilateral business organization, said that the currency bill passed by the US Senate will do more harm than good.

US Senate passes yuan bill amid China's opposition

[2011-10-12 08:02]

The US Senate passed a controversial currency bill which threatens to punish China for so-called "currency manipulation" with retaliatory tariffs.
Warning: Yuan bill to spark trade war

Boehner: Currency bill on China 'dangerous'

[2011-10-05 09:40]

US House Speaker John Boehner said the Senate vote to allow debate on a controversial bill on so-called "currency manipulation" by China is "pretty dangerous".

China's not manipulating yuan

[2011-05-30 07:49]

The United States Treasury Department said on Friday in a report that China was not manipulating its currency.

China not manipulating currency' - US Treasury

[2011-05-30 07:49]

The United States Treasury Department said on Friday in a report that China was not manipulating its currency.

Yuan appreciation won't help solve US problems

[2011-02-15 10:18]

The real problem is that the US doesn't save, says Morgan Stanley Asia's Non-Executive Chairman Stephen Roach, who supported the US Treasury Department's decision not to label China a "currency manipulator".
