
Networking one's way to success

Updated: 2011-10-18 08:07

(China Daily)

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With the increasing use of online networking tools, a growing number of professionals are left wondering how to meet people who may help them in their careers in the real world. While the use of networking online has its advantages in today's workplace, learning to network effectively face-to-face, particularly for personal and executive assistants, is an invaluable tool.

The benefits of networking

Networking one's way to success

It allows you to cross share initiatives and ideas

It develops a group of resources that you can refer to for advice, tips and knowledge

It expands your contact group

It puts your name "out there"

It can result in leaving a good impression of you and your company

Skills of good networking

Not sure where to begin? Follow these steps and you will be well on your way to expanding your network.

Planning - develop an action plan. Before attending an event or social outing, identify your objectives and how to go about achieving them. Ask yourself what your purpose is for networking and what you want to get out of it.

Research - research various networking groups, associations and contacts to find out what will work for you. Ask colleagues in a similar role. Use the Internet.

Self-promotion - promote yourself effectively. Remember that you have something to offer as well.

Communication - communicate effectively. Be articulate, concise, enthusiastic, honest and open. Remember to listen when engaged in conversation because it is critical to remember key points in conversations.

Circulate - don't just stand in one place. Speak to as many people as you can at a networking function. Establish the basics and arrange another time to have a more detailed discussion.

Treat everyone as equals - there is no real value in title or prestige alone. Value is in the information and support people can give, which often comes from surprising sources. A network is not a bureaucracy or a hierarchy; rather it is a level and fair playing field. The more people you are in contact with at all levels, the more opportunities and information you will be exposed to.

Commit - follow through on your commitments, both to yourself and others. Keep records to remember what you have committed to do.

Teamwork - use leverage on one another. Your new contacts can work together to achieve personal and professional goals.

(Contact yangning@chinadaily.com.cn for questions and career advice)

Contributed by Rita Dong, head of Robert Walters Talent Consulting Ltd Beijing Office

China Daily

(China Daily 10/18/2011 page14)