

CIC starts new round of global hiring with 64 jobs

Updated: 2010-07-27 15:03
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China Investment Corp, the nation's sovereign wealth fund, is starting a new round of international hiring to meet its "business development needs," according to a statement today on its website.

The company is offering 64 positions from asset allocation to private equity investment, with jobs posted on its website.

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The $300 billion fund will seek a "more flexible" investment strategy this year as global markets didn't show a clear trend, Executive Vice President Jesse Wang told reporters in Beijing in March. The company earlier this month sold 5.1 million shares in Morgan Stanley after the stock rallied.

CIC is likely to report a return on its global portfolio "well above 10 percent" for 2009, according to Rachel Ziemba, London-based senior analyst at Roubini Global Economics, after it accelerated investments in commodity-related companies.

CIC in June, 2009, provided vacancies for 33 categories in 13 departments. The company had about 200 employees, according to its 2008 annual report released August 7 last year.