Village head endeavors to turn farmers' dreams into reality
These eight dreams of farmers resonate with millions of rural residents and serve as a guiding light for the unwavering efforts of the CPC.
The transformation of Xixinzhuang village stands as a testament to the realization of these dreams.
The dream of good healthcare facilities has been materialized through the inauguration of a community hospital with over 500 beds, providing accessible medical services to tens of thousands of residents in nearby towns and villages.
The dream of employment came to life as various food processing enterprises set up plants in Xixinzhuang's food industrial park, offering employment opportunities at farmers' doorsteps.
As the village is now teeming with nature's beauty, with harmonious neighborhoods and residents striving for a better life, the dream for a favorable environment also blossomed in the village.
Speaking of all these changes, Li's face lights up and his wrinkles turn into smiles, saying that the transformation is not just about Puyang or Henan but about all of China.