Comedy show delivers the punchline in new season
The fifth season of the sensational comedy talent show Rock & Roast which features more than 50 standup comedians, professional and amateur, to amuse the audience and compete for the show's top prize will debut this month.
Veteran standup comedians including Pang Bo, Yang Li and Xu Zhisheng who shot to fame because of their impressive performances in the show's previous seasons will appear in the upcoming new season. Plus new comedians will also be brought into the cast.
Lahongsang, 22, a renowned vlogger who often shares funny clips of her daily life on the video-streaming platform Bilibili, has made her first try in delivering standup comedy in the show. It also welcomes people from diverse backgrounds such as a magician, a retired soldier, and a retired female basketball player to showcase their comic skills and express themselves amusingly.
Veteran singer Na Ying, A-lister Zhou Xun and singer-songwriter Zhang Wei will join the judge panel for the show.
Bai Hongyu, producer of the show, says that they would like to create favorable conditions for the emerging of new comic talents and the growth of China's comedy industry.