Iconic Shanghai acrobatic show gets an upgrade
ERA 2 features a story that revolves around a young man's encounter with a kind-hearted woman who lends him an umbrella on a rainy day. The show depicts his adventurous search for the mysterious young woman in Shanghai and culminates when the two young people are reunited for a romantic dance on a giant iron ring.
Alain M. Pacherie, founding director of the French Phoenix Circus, was invited to direct ERA 2 in Shanghai. He said in a video message that "Shanghai is an extraordinary city where the past, the present and the future converge and keep generating new experiences. It is also a marvelous source of inspiration: its blocks, parks, plazas and streets have offered us on our every visit something to nourish our imagination.
"ERA 2 is a journey that takes you through the diversity and secrets of Shanghai. It is also a romantic story where two hearts meet, pass by and then get united in the end."