From remote region, livestream connects customers
Watching Amgalan livestreaming on the internet, speaking fluent Mandarin to promote sales of his hometown products, you might not imagine that this member of a Mongolian ethnic group couldn't speak a complete sentence in the language not long ago.
But when Amgalan, from Xilin Gol League in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, started training for livestreaming sales two years ago, his Mandarin improved greatly and his skill at online sales progressed markedly.
Now Amgalan's livestreaming account, which specializes in selling the food of his hometown, including dried beef and milk tofu, has 264,000 followers. Daily revenue ranges from 10,000 to 40,000 yuan ($1,400-$5,600). His record is 150,000 yuan in a single day.
"I hope that through livestreaming, I can help more herdsman sell their products and also boost local employment," he said, adding that almost everybody in his hometown is able to generate products like butter and milk tofu, but there are still some haven't escaped poverty.
As sales increase, many herdsmen living nearby came to Amgalan to learn. He taught his neighbors patiently about what he had learned about online sales. He also set up a business producing Inner Mongolian food. The business now has 12 employees.
Last year, Amgalan sold products worth of 4.5 million yuan through livestreaming. His long-term goal is to sell 1 million yuan of products a day.
Now Amgalan is studying English hard, in hope that one day he can sell the products of the prairie to customers abroad.