Burning CUHK campus reveals madness of rioters
Tuesday night witnessed brutal, inhumane deeds as rioters have turned the Chinese University of Hong Kong campus into a battleground.
According to reports, rioters set fire to the CUHK campus and threatened to burn it to ashes to compel the police to give in to their requests.
More than that, students from the Chinese mainland were threatened and many had to flee from the campus where they had studied for years.
They have been living in fear, after a student from the Chinese mainland in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology was brutally attacked by rioters on Nov 6. Since then Chinese mainland students have lived in fear and dared not walk out of their campus.
By burning the CUHK campus, the rioters in Hong Kong have violated a most basic bottom line of any modern civilized society. The role of a university is to spread knowledge and share wisdom with brilliant young minds, and those who have crossed that line are trying to spread hate and ignorance.
By burning the campus, the rioters in Hong Kong have also been trying to get the students involved in politics, which is against their modern political ethics, too. Students have political rights, but it is really disgusting for certain politicians to use them as tools for their own selfish interests, and make use of campus as a hiding place for their dirty tricks.
Those behind the rioters only treat them as cheap cannon fodder and they have prepared their own ways out. Nathan Law, one of the so-called "leaders of protesters", had been continuing his academic studies in Yale for two months; Edward Leung entered Havard, Alex Chow went to London School of Economics and Political Science, Ray Wong went to Oxford.
The rioters should not delude themselves by thinking they will not be held to account for their criminal acts, the day will come when they get their deserved penalties.
It should be noted that the rioters that are wreaking havoc in Hong Kong have already made themselves enemies of the local residents. When the rioters were doing evil there, hundreds of local residents drove to rescue the mainland students trapped there. They have suffered enough from the rioters for over five months and they do not want the students to suffer the same.
Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. The rioters damaging Hong Kong have already turned mad and the next stop for them is destruction.