Opening-up has benefited the whole world
As a foreigner who resided in China for more than 14 years, I was granted the opportunity to observe the amazing evolution of Chinese lifestyles and China's newly eminent role on the world stage after its adaptation of reform and opening-up policies.
I have been always fascinated by Chinese history, which made living in China a lifelong dream of mine. Fortunately, I was able to fulfill that dream thanks to the opening-up policy.
It is a well-known fact China has one of most studied ancient civilizations in the world. It has influenced our world in every domain. Historical monuments such as the Great Wall attract floods of tourists from every nation.
The glory of ancient Chinese civilization was revitalized by the modern evolution of Chinese society that occurred after implementing these reforms and opening up to the world.
One can summarize the impact of China's reform and opening-up policies as follows:
Rise in Chinese standards of living: During my stay in China, I noticed Chinese lifestyles have improved tremendously due to the increase in salaries in most sectors of the economy and the enhancement of the quality of life for most people.
One can attribute that fact to the increase in productivity that led to an increase in exports to many countries around the globe.
Personally, my salary doubled during the span of my teaching assignment. I also noticed increases in the salaries of my Chinese colleagues.
Improvements in standards of living have given many Chinese the opportunity to explore every corner of the world affordably, thanks to the opening-up policy.
Improvements in public services: It doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice improvements in public services as a result of China's reform policy.
Most services are efficiently run through automated systems, which helps people avoid time spent standing in lines waiting to be served by a representative.
I noticed many public servants exerting a great deal of effort to accommodate my needs. Services in all sectors of the economy have been revamped to satisfy the needs of customers, including foreigners, through China's reforms.
A flood of foreigners to China: As a result of the opening up policy of the Chinese government, many foreigners made their way to China.
Educational experts and teachers came to spread knowledge to Chinese students, while others brought their financial resources to invest in the flourishing Chinese economy. Many arrived to seek knowledge through the country’s educational system.
One may attribute that fact to the stagnation of most world economies and the lack of employment opportunities.
Taking a leading role on the world stage: Since opening up to the world, China has played a major role in establishing bilateral and mutually beneficial relations with most nations around the globe.
During the last decade, China has been taking measures to help underdeveloped nations in Africa and South America through investments and financial loans and grants.
Its role in resolving world conflicts ought to be analyzed, to learn from its wisdom.
As a Canadian-Egyptian, through my numerous visits to both countries, I had the opportunity to witness Chinese contributions to both places’ development.
Upon implementing the opening-up policy, a continuous exchange of economic and scientific information and experts has been taking place between China and Canada. Chinese experts are also participating in the development of the Egyptian economy through collaborative efforts.
Through these examples, one can see China's reform and opening-up policies have done a great deal to enhance quality of life, for foreigners like me as well as the Chinese people.
Sava Hassan is a Canadian Egyptian educator.
The opinions expressed here are those of the writer and don't represent views of China Daily website.