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Tomas Saraceno: Aerographies
Date: April 14-June 3-10 am
Venue: Fosun Foundation
For his first solo exhibition in China, artist Tomas Saraceno will bring together a compendium of works from across his practice. Designed especially for the galleries of Fosun Foundation, the exhibition performs as a model for a new, alternative form of living, one that attunes to the natural rhythms of the Earth's cycle and the more-than-human species we share the planet with. This exhibition concentrates on the space above the Earth's surface, inviting viewers to travel together on an imagined journey from the micro-to the macrocosmic. Tomas Saraceno was born in 1973 in Tucuman, Argentina. He studied architecture at Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires in Argentina and received postgraduate degrees from Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de la Nacion Ernesto de la Carcova, Buenos Aires and Staatliche Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste-Stadelschule, Frankfurt. In 2009, he attended the International Space Studies Program at NASA Center Ames in Silicon Valley, California.