Helping world to learn Chinese

"I hope to seek out new opportunities for what we can learn in this new innovation, where 200,000 children in China are being tutored systematically by 30,000 teachers in the United States. This has never happened in history before," he said.
The Beijing-based startup also believes technology is important and key to globalization.
"Our core competitiveness is the integration of teaching with advanced technology such as cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence," Mi said.
Big data and AI are two main technological innovations that the Beijing-based company uses in its platform, which digitalizes and personalizes English education.
Teachers can adjust their teaching method using facial recognition technology, which studies students' facial expressions to analyze their mood during lessons.
Similarly, virtual reality technology, which uses vivid pictures and 3-D scenarios, helps in delivering immersive learning experiences for students.
"We believe the Belt and Road Initiative will give online education platforms more momentum toward connecting global educational resources. We will endeavor to promote online Chinese learning in more countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative this year," Mi said.